Outdoor weddings!

I am looking forward to outdoor weddings and celebrations this coming season in New England. I have painted fiery sunsets, a blue moon on a May evening, and gray skies over the Atlantic.

Boston and the harbor islands—the view from Hingham MA

Boston and the harbor islands—the view from Hingham MA

And yes, sometimes there is rain and wind, and the tent-flaps are down! But amazingly, the party itself begins to generate its own energy and warmth. While making a painting, I focus on the camaraderie among the guests. The lighting and decor add a cozy and welcoming touch to the scene. As for uncooperative weather, I can always use my artist’s license to accentuate the positive!

Reception right on Vineyard Sound at the Popponesset Inn

Reception right on Vineyard Sound at the Popponesset Inn